Upon A Star Lit Sky
Upon A Star Lit Sky is a spoken word piece set to a neoclassical electronica score. The underlying poem is about love and loss, hope and the challenging journey toward healing.
Poetry and spoken word by Shane Beck

A Boy named Jon (Jakob Carpenter) wakes up to the realization that everyone in his hometown is gone. His girlfriend Tate (Melanie Moreno) is the only one who is present and chooses to help Jon out of this familiar hell.
Directed by J. H. Paree and Brian Husted

Journey To Our Own Black Hole, Sagittarius A*
May 12, 2022 press release video unveiling the first image ever of the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy in Sagittarius A*. The program was funded through a National Science Foundation grant.
Video courtesy of BH PIRE and Moronga Films SA de CV

Sprite Fright
An excerpt of Blender.org's Sprite Fright, used for the 2022 Score Relief fundraiser to support the work of In Place of War. This excerpt was re-scored using the composer's own approach. The original Sprite Fright film is directed by Matthew Luhn.
Score Relief 2022 was organized by The Cue Tube with Northern Film Orchestra and Metapop.

Mining Mission To Psyche
A drone with a small AI is sent out to the asteroid Psyche and upon its arrival it is compelled to bypass its original programming.

Perseverance: The Remix
The Perseverance Mars rover ended its 293 million mile journey, rocketing through the -455°F cold of space and piercing two planetary atmospheres, by landing safely on the surface of Mars. It is the most sophisticated Terran mobile research laboratory to ever land on another planet. This is a tribute to its success.
All images: NASA / JPL